Sunday, September 28, 2008


Different politicians are celebrating their birthdays in a grand manner. (they have to, otherwise, people witll forget their presence). The thing is - they only have to celebrate their birthdays. People are not celebrating birthdays of all politicians. Only such a politician who has done good things to people, for them, people celebrate their birthdays happily.

For other politicians, who are fit for nothing cases, people may celebrate the birthday on only one day.
That is. 1st April of every year.

Let us all celebrate First April as birthdays for the fit for nothing politicians (who has not done anything worthwhile to public, but want to remain in politics).

Who said, we should not celebrate birthdays on 1st april. Is it not fit enough for such people ?

(My anger is, politicians have a better role to do social service. they have the courage to do something, which ordinary person does not have. Why should not they do something good always, so that they need not spend anything for elections, people will simply vote. Now, politicians have to spend a lot to get the votes from the public. Why ? Because, they know they have not done worth anything to public.

There are good politicians who have an office for public to come and complain for anything. There are good politiicians who monitor the problems of their areas and take up the matter with the Govt. There are good politicians who are not money making (looting) machines. There are some good politicians who are approachable by common man. There are some good politicians who have empathetical feelings. There are some good politicians who care for others.

If somebody is not coming in the above list, let us celebrate his/her birthday on 1st April).

Mahatma Gandhiji, Thank you very much for the freedom, because of you, we are going to celebrate birthdays of different politicians on 1st April. Shortly a grand gala will be there in different cities.